Personal Note

Private event in beautiful Santa Barbara, California, bringing together high-performance individuals passionate about leading with love. One of the highlights of speaking at intimate gatherings is the opportunity to connect deeply. Those backstage chats often spark friendships and pave the way for collective, cross-sector impact.  Photo: MaxxStudio.


A Personal Note from Dr. Maia

Leadership isn’t just about having a title or sitting in a high position.

It’s about relationships—your relationship with yourself, with the people around you, and with the world.

When we bring emotional intelligence into those relationships, and when we learn to lead with intention, something shifts. Leadership becomes healthier, rooted in what truly matters: kindness, compassion, joy, and freedom.

That’s my mission: to guide you into this kind of leadership—the next generation of leadership.

Throughout my career—whether I was working on the frontlines of climate change, earning my Doctorate, or connecting with emerging and established leaders around the world—one thing has become crystal clear: leadership is woven into every part of our lives. It’s in the choices we make, the people we connect with, and the world we’re trying to create.

So what does this really mean?

It means you never lead in isolation. You’re always a part of something bigger—a system. And right now, many of the systems we live in—capitalism, patriarchy, racism—are unjust, and they’re crumbling. That’s why you may feel overwhelmed, anxious, or angry at times.

But here’s the thing: leadership can also be about building something new. It’s creative, it’s expansive, and it’s about imagining systems that are fairer, more inclusive, and more life-giving.

And the world needs leaders like you.

Leaders who’ve been misrepresented or underrepresented. Leaders who maybe don’t even see themselves as leaders yet—but have the heart and the vision to create something better.

And here’s the truth: all the world needs you, and, to change the world, all you need is love.

Yes, love. Love for yourself, love for others, and love for the world we want to build together.

For too long, leadership has looked like something reserved for a select few—white, wealthy, powerful men. But I’m here to tell you that leadership belongs to people like you and me. People who care. People who are ready to lead with purpose, even if they don’t have all the answers.

I stand on the shoulders of incredible thinkers like Thich Nhat Hanh, who speaks about true love, and Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, who draws wisdom from the traditions of Latin American Medicine Women.

I bring together science, spirituality, and my connections with global leaders to offer you a roadmap for leadership that feels good—leadership as a way to build yourself up, not burn yourself out.

Leadership can be wellness. It can strengthen you rather than deplete you. And the kind of leadership I’m talking about—the kind we need to create a better world—is collective, conscious, and deeply rooted in who we are.

If you’re looking for quick fixes, hacks to climb the corporate ladder, or ways to survive in high-pressure work environments, I’m probably not the person for you. I will not help you to bear the unbearable.

But if you’re ready to challenge systems of injustice—if you’re already asking questions about the world around you and wondering when real leaders will step up—then I have some good news: the leader you’ve been waiting for might just be you.

If this resonates, then we’re on the same page.

You know who you are.

And I’m ready to start this journey with you.

For whom my services are for?

I support individuals and organizations—especially those in the early and mid-stages of their careers—who come from diverse backgrounds and are eager to grow personally and professionally. Yet, many of them face fears that hold them back from stepping into their potential as change-makers.

These fears might include:

  • The fear of burnout or exhaustion

  • The fear of failure or feeling inadequate as a leader

  • The fear of not being taken seriously

  • The fear of being exposed as a "fraud"

  • The fear of being overlooked for promotions

  • The fear of isolation and lacking support

  • The fear of making decisions that could impact their careers

  • The fear of falling behind their peers

  • The fear of navigating team dynamics

  • The fear of losing their personal identity in a leadership role

    Let’s be clear: fear is a natural and valid response. We recognize it and take care of it. But if your fears are holding you back from making a positive impact, it’s time for guidance. We can’t afford to be without the leaders who are meant to rise. The world needs the kind of leader you are meant to be.

If I haven’t lived it, I don’t teach it.

In my early 30s, I made a decision that changed everything. I stepped away from the stability of a government job—safe, secure, predictable. I chose to challenge the expectations that society places on women, especially around what it means to be successful.

I set out on my own leadership journey, charting a path that was truly my own.

I didn’t do it alone. I was blessed with the support of mentors, family, and friends who stood by me as I shaped a life that felt right, one that was built on the things I hold dear—science, spirituality, community, beauty, and nature.

As I walked this path, I connected with people from all over the world, from every background, every culture, and every gender identity—leaders who are doing the hard work of shaping a future that’s more joyful and more just.

My services are the distillation of everything I’ve learned along the way. Every personal challenge, every professional triumph, every connection I’ve made is woven into the work I do.

For me, this work is more than just a career—it’s a political act, a stand for justice, and a gesture of love. Love for myself. Love for humanity. Love for Earth.

So, if any part of this resonates with you, I invite you to join me.

Let’s walk this path together.



